I think they actually filmed this:
I mean, with actual film.
On Barack Obama's sex appeal: Please read this at your own risk (it isn't unsavory, it just tastes really bad). It's by Nicole Caldwell, former-editor-in-cheif of Playgirl. I understand how difficult it must be to be forced to marginalize your writing after running Playgirl into the ground. Coming out of a publication the primary concern of which was to publish photographs of bulky men with flaccid penises (I don't know if this is actually true, I've only seen Playgirl once, and those penises were either not erect or small) must be difficult, but to warp something as important as the presidential election into a study on who gets our panties wetter is just dumb. Plus, I don't think McCain is getting anyone's panties wet. The thought sends a cold chill down my spine. Oh, so that's what Cindy was talking about.