Celebrate the 60th Anniversary of

Universal Human Rights Day

Saturday, December 13, 12 noon

On the Steps of First Churches

129 Main Street, Northampton (In case of inclement weather, inside First Churches)

Organized by the Pioneer Valley Coalition Against Secrecy & Torture

Cosponsored by Aerus Electrolux of Hadley, American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, Amherst Women in Black, Amnesty International Group 76, Amnesty International Group128 of Amherst, Amnesty International Northampton High School Chapter, Five College Consortium Human Rights Center Working Group, Justice for Jason Coalition, Karuna Center, Lisa Baskin, Mass Coalition of Nurse Practitioners – Pioneer Valley, Middle East Peace Coalition of Western Mass, Mount Toby Friends Peace and Social Concerns Committee, NoPornNorthampton, Northampton Committee to Stop the War on Iraq, Northampton Human Rights Commission, Northampton League of Women Voters, Out Now, SAGE, Social Justice Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Society of Amherst, Social Justice Forum of the Unitarian Society of Northampton & Florence, Social Workers for Peace & Justice, St. Paul’s Peace & Justice Initiative, Traprock Center for Peace & Justice, UMass Amherst Labor Center, Western Mass AFSC, Western Mass Coalition of Immigrant Workers Rights, Western Mass Code Pink, Western Mass Jobs with Justice, World Culture Alliance,
Zen Peacemaker Circle of Western Mass.

The United Nations General Assembly adopted this landmark declaration on December 10, 1948.