The "Wonder-Working Power" crowd will swallow its study Bibles in apoplexy when it hears this:

Asked whether the Bible was literally true, Bush replied: "Probably not. No, I'm not a literalist, but I think you can learn a lot from it."

He also said creationism and evolution are not incompatible.

Yep, ole Bush rejects the central tenet of Christian fundamentalism, "biblical inerrancy." I hate to say to the fundamentalists I told you so, but I bloody well did say, 5 years ago: "Republicans will continue to profit as long as Southern Baptists are willing to hoodwink themselves, ignoring the disparity between Christian ends and Republican ends."

That travesty cannot leave office soon enough. I'd say he also just did the only thing he could possibly do to counter his slightly rising approval numbers–you know, that effect whereby everybody gets a little misty-eyed at seeing the president drop his dog and leave on Marine 1. The remaining 20-24% of true believers are going to drop him faster than a demon-possessed stepson at a Wednesday prayer meeting. (I don't really know what that sentence means either, but it somehow felt right.)