RNC chairman Michael Steele: "We want to convey that the modern-day GOP looks like the conservative party that stands on principles. But we want to apply them to urban-surburban hip-hop settings."

“It will be avant garde, technically. It will come to the table with things that will surprise everyone–off the hook. I don't do 'cutting-edge.' That's what Democrats are doing. We're going beyond cutting-edge.”

Thank you, Washington Times! I can hardly wait! (And what's beyond the cutting edge, anyway?)

Perhaps soon, instead of trotting out stuff like "death tax" and "The Democrat Party," we'll get some "off the hook" def jams like Arlen Specter saying stuff like "Let's, uh, stimulate this mofo." John Boehner will end pressers with "peace out" and a terrorist fist bump.

This is a really good idea. The best one maybe since Stryper. It absolutely will turn the party dominated by old white men into the place to be for cutting-edge (and beyond) hip-hop loving youth of every ethnicity. I think press conferences in Brooklyn with DJs and duelling rhymes from John McCain and Arnold Schwarzenegger would really up the appeal of the GOP.

Get to it, fellas. It'll be def! And when you're done there, I suggest tapping into the free jazz movement. The kids love that stuff, and it's way avant garde.

(P.S.–Dear GOP: No matter who you choose to lead the RNC, you're all too old or square to reach out to the kids through hip-hop, see? On second thought, don't listen to me.)