Lest there be any "Lipstick on a pig,"-esque confusion, I fully disclose that I am not making any comparisons between Sarah Palin, her size, and that of a whale's. Any assumptions made about blubbering or blowholes are wholly your own.
Sarah Palin refuses to go away, and she continues to thwart anything sensible. On January 14 she filed a lawsuit against the federal government because they have decided to include Cook Inlet beluga whales on the endangered species list. The Bush administration enacted very little in the way if positive economic policy. But they saw fit, under pressure of environmental groups and scientific evidence that even they could not ignore, to offer protection to beluga whales, specifically those in Cook Inlet, an 180 mile stretch from the gulf of Alaska to Anchorage, who have specific genetic distinctions from other beluga.
Currently, the oil industry dumps toxic waste into Cook Inlet because the are grandfathered in as it is a practice that predates 1972, when the Clean Water Act was enacted. Any matter of fact that includes the words "oil industry dumps toxic waste into," is a matter that needs to be changed. Also, why does Sarah Palin seemingly hate animals? And why does she hate the federal government so much and their insistence on protecting dwindling populations of animals, especially since her state has such an affinity for their money? And why does everyone keep walking around shaking their heads in mock dread saying, "2012… just wait and see," suggesting that Palin will be the obvious choice for the GOP presidential candidate? I say she won't make it past 2011. If we were able to find out so much about her insanity in the three short months she was able to derail McCain's campaign, I'm not sure she'll even be able to get out of the gate at the top of the ticket.
But after Bobby Jindal's response to Obama's speech last night, I think the GOP has a new candidate on their hands (even though. Jindal certainly looks like he'd be a good foil for Obama–young, not white–but he just reeks of insincerity. Obama's critics say all he can do is talk, but at least he can do that. Jindal envokes over-the-top, drama club inflection when reciting (there is no more accurate verb) his speech and, as Gawker and other bloggers point out, came off sounding like Kenneth the Page from 30 Rock. Even Republicans think he came off like a dope. Jindal actually tried to be motivational and inspirational! He said, “We believe Americans can do anything.” My fella misheard this, thought Jindal said, “Americans will do anything,” thinking that the Republicans aren’t even trying to hide their manipulation anymore. When I pointed out his error via text, he responded, “Oops, I heard evil where there was none.” Well, darling, I’m nor sure that’s quite true, either. You did, however, certainly hear a cornball on national television.