Kenneth Mitchell posted an article here on Redoubt a few days ago concerning the reconstruction of Arnold Avenue, and the installation of new sidewalks and granite curbing. This means, apparently, that on-street parking is to become a thing of the past in the area.

Included in the street's reconstruction is a makeover for Green Street Cafe's parking lot, a lot which only exists because a multi-unit home owned by Smith College mysteriously burned down, twice. Though arson is suspected, the results of the Fire Department's investigation, if there are any, have not been made public. I'm sure an insurance claim was settled and the lot is now used for parking.

Tenants who are to lose their Arnold Avenue parking spaces have been promised new ones behind the Cafe and property owners have been promised temporary remuneration for their trouble. Lucky tenants. Now when they do their laundry or unpack groceries from their cars they get to cart items back and forth along Arnold Avenue under the shadows of Ford Hall. Arnold Avenue was not supposed to be the main entrance for Ford Hall, but take one look at the situation of the building and it's clear that Arnold Avenue provides the main access from Smith's parking garage on West Street, thus the area must be beautified.

While Smith spokespersons have made some public statements in the last year indicating their future expansion plans are suspended, until they start selling off the residential properties they've been land-banking the spector of future expansion remains a real probability. Moreover, since the U.S. Supreme Court decided that eminent domain is now permitted for the sake of economic development, (see Kelo vs. New London), even property owners who don't sell to Smith could have their properties taken from them by the city as Smith regularly touts the economic impacts it has on downtown Northampton. Since mayor Mary Clare Higgins and Smith College president Carol Christ are able partners in what transpires downtown, it is not farfetched to think that the mayor could move to take properties in the West Street area to accomodate the prestigious women's college. Denials will abound, but the future couldn't be more clear.

Is it any wonder that the West Street planning charrette of a few years ago seems to have been forgotten. Look for that process to reactivate once Smith decides to act. When that happens the Higgins administration, if it is still in power, will move to complete West Street's planning. Meanwhile, tenants in the area wait.

Unsubstantiated rumors are swirling about as well. It's been said that the Women's School of Science and Engineering is only going to be about 15% engineering and 85% science. If true this raises questions regarding the use of chemicals et al. near a residential area. What exactly is going to transpire in the building and how will refuse be disposed of? It is also rumored that the building will not be LEED certified, even though that feature was used as a selling point when the college was seeking the city's approval.

In any event, check out the YouTube footage below of the inside of Ford Hall. Someone that goes by, "dominiqueth" toured the new facility and offers a slide show of what was seen set to some quaint music.

YouTuber dominiqueth has some footage of Ford Hall, Smith College, Northampton, MA