Yes, yes, I know, it's just a commercial, but this kind of ad is a special pet peeve of mine; the message that it's okay to have gender stereotypes so long as they're for men and women equally always just bugs me. (It occurs to me that you never see the same kind of ads playing on race instead of sex.) Another way of looking at it is as a kind of misanthropy coming down from urbane and sophisticated admen and women (but mostly men)who, because of breeding and education, are far superior to those bourgeouis suburbanites portrayed in the ad. But as I type this, I wonder: if I'd found the ad really funny would I be complaining?

(For some reason the only version of the ad I could find in youtube was in what sounds to me [from years of watching the Muppet Show] like Swedish, which does add a little charm, I must admit.)