This is an actual lyric from a Schick razor commercial for a product that has mini clippers on the handle of the razor: "never feel untidy, just trim your Aphrodite." Besides being the absolute first incident in recorded history that the word "Aphrodite" has been used as a euphamism for female pubic hair, the commercial otherwise doesn't try at all, and falls back on the typical "bush" and "garden" cliches used to refer to the hair down there. I think some pussy cats (one hairy, one hairless) may have made appearances as well.
But is this an afront, or just the typical mindless humor employed by the hygiene industry:
Although, the idea of a woman sensitive enough to care about taking her elderly grandmother grocery shopping becoming overwhelmed by sexual desire because she smelled a teenager's $4.99 cologne is perhaps more enraging than suggesting the only thing to do to get out of a funk is trim your bikini line.