Any reasonably attractive young woman has suffered unwanted advances from men in bars, subways, grocery stores, etc. How to handle the situation is never quite apparent; do you ignore, say "no thanks," act outraged? In each case, depending on the persistence of the guy hitting on you, the desired results may not be reached. I say, if the guy is clearly douchey, then he deserves a tongue lashing and the woman has every right to act in a manner that would otherwise be unbecoming.
But is the problem so widespread and the victims so numerous that we need mass marketed fake engagement rings? A website called is schilling a costume engagement ring that lives for most of the time in your real life in a hidden compartment on a keychain. When a gelled, cologned, close-talker gets a little too close, the lady in question is meant to slip on the ring and give the guy the finger–the left ring finger. The ring is meant to be a signal that the female is taken, and is said to ward off all forms of douchery that one may encounter.
Is it appropriate to encourage a woman to rely on a man to protect her, even if that man is imaginary?
On the other hand, I do like's viral marketing. This is a spoof of the barely funny "Jizz in my Pants," by Andy Samberg and his Lonely Island cohorts. In this version, women are approached by various repulsive men and puke in their mouths. The song is appropriately titled, "Puke in my Mouth."