How come the New York Times read emails full of damning information about the genesis of the infamous torture memos and came up with a story mainly saying that even the memo's detractors agreed that torture was legal? Freaking liberal media.

It bears noting as well that the sentence in question (written by then Deputay Attorney General James Comey) actually reads:

I said I was not going to rehash my concerns about the legal opinion, but that it was simply not acceptable for Principles [high officeholders in the Bush administration] to say that everything that may be "legal" is also appropriate.

You'd think the editors of the supposed newspaper of record would be capable of understanding the implications of those all-important quotation marks around the word. And the truly remarkable thing about the emails (short enough to read quickly, and very interesting) is what they reveal about the pressure Dick Cheney brought to bear to retroactively legalize actions, the spinelessness of Alberto Gonzalez, and the deep desire of the "Principles" to purposefully remain ignorant of the details despite the efforts of Comey and others to put everything in front of them.