From the South Campus of Village Hill the views of the Pioneer Valley and the Holyoke and Mount Tom Ranges are stunning. Unfortunately, the Planning Board's decision to accept the site plan presented by Kollmorgen at their June 11 meeting means these views will never be the same. Public access to this valuable resource has been eliminated in order to appease Kollmorgen and the goal of building a community at Village Hill Northampton has gone with it.

The Manhan Rail Trail Extension could have climbed the hill and followed the ridge east towards Route 66 bringing users out by the main intersection at Village Hill Road. Here the road could have been crossed safely at the traffic signals that are currently being installed. This path would have been "separated from car traffic, the off-road multi-use path offer(ing) families and beginning bicyclists and walkers a calm stretch for recreation and commuting." SDAT 10/19/05 – pg. 37.

It is desirable to “create trails and bike paths along greenways; these alternative transportation strategies provide areas of scenic beauty, improve air quality, provide habitat protection and passive recreation, and are accessible for people with disabilities.” SDAT – pg 31. The current bike path extension plan does not meet any of these criteria and has serious safety concerns.

I was disappointed when the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) voted unanimously to make significant changes to the master plan and departed from their own stated goal of creating a “vibrant mixed-use community compatible with surrounding neighborhoods.” The CAC has stated that the “redevelopment of the former State Hospital is one of the most important economic development, affordable housing and smart growth initiatives in the history of the city.” I plan to attend their next meeting on Wednesday, June 17, 2009 from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm at the J.F.K. Middle School in the Community Room.

It seemed reasonable to ask Kollmorgen to agree to an Overlook bike route as a demonstration of their willingness to be a good neighbor and to help retain the original vision of a mixed-use village open to everyone. The Overlook Bike Path would have provided a common place for residents, workers, families and cyclists to share and enjoy. On this overlook the community would have been able to meet each other and connect with the beautiful valley we all call home.

The SDAT Report presents a “comprehensive plan (based) on principals of sustainability in conjunction with the mayor’s initiative for a “sustainable Northampton.” It was agreed at the outset that the intent of sustainable design is to take an integrated approach that balances three aspects of sustainability, namely social, economic and environmental implications. It was noted that a great advancement in one of these three areas to the detriment of one or two of the others will not be sustainable overall.” – SDAT Report – page17

I feel it is dishonest for Mass Development to claim on their website that “Village Hill Northampton is a planned development that has transformed a hilltop site into a thriving and vital neighborhood offering the best of community life.” Even more troubling is Mass Development's working relationship with the Northampton Planning Board. There has been poor communication and on occasion the Planning Board has learned about significant changes to the master plan by reading about it in the Gazette. The Planning Board had envisioned Village Hill as a planned village with mixed uses. What is actually evolving is a huge subdivision next to an industrial park with one tenant.

What I find most distressing is that Mayor Higgins, who serves as the Chair of the Citizens Advisory Committee, seems to have no misgivings about straying from the guiding principles of sustainable planning. “Sustainable Northampton is a comprehensive plan that seeks to ensure the city can continue to meet its current and ongoing environmental, social and economic needs without compromising the future for succeeding generations. Sustainable Northampton commits the city to becoming a model community for sustainable policies and practices.” – Sustainable Northampton Summary

The only reason I had any hope for a desirable outcome at Village Hill Northampton was because members of the Planning Board shared my concerns. The Planning Board seemed to be the only place where the desire to create a “compact, mixed use neighborhood which creates a genuine village, consistent with what was originally intended for the redevelopment of Hospital Hill” – Notre Dame Charette – still existed. Unfortunately, by the time the plan got to them the fix was in and all they could do was discuss where the snow would be piled and how many lights would be left on to illuminate 450 empty parking spaces in a “green” parking lot.

It looks as though Kollmorgen will be moving to Village Hill. There goes the neighborhood.

Benjamin Spencer