I'm sitting in the airport, which is eerily empty, waiting to board a flight to Newark. When I get there, I've got a four hour layover (anyone wanna come hang out?), then off to Daytona Beach, of all places, where I and hundreds of high school teachers, grad students, maybe even a professor or two, will be grading the A.P. English Exam for the next week. 8-5, every day, reading high school students' essays. Depending on how secretive it all is, updates to come. Lately I've been twittering and facebooking. Question: does the character-count limit of twitter forge the youth of today into better self-editors? Or just teach them 2 uz abbreviations. Going through security a little while ago it dawned on me that I had packed all my toiletries in my carry on. Lady that I am, I was faced with the nightmare that I would be in Florida without my special face lotion, conditioner, hair gunk, etc. But then they didn't notice the gigantic parcel of potions. Relief! But disturbing. Just wanted to say hi! Any tips on nitlelife in D.B. greatly appreciated.