The World Beard and Moustache Championships have culminated in a fine set of awards. And I can only note that possessing fulminant facial hair seems to be accompanied by a very particular antiquarian dandy fashion sense. I also note with sadness the absence of Todd Palin from this lineup of mostly Alaskan and German manhood.
I can't fathom why growing beards is particularly German. They've made the finest shaving tool known to man for a couple of decades, and some of the best old-school razors for a century or more. Maybe it's all the Teutonic angst in the wake of such accomplishments? (For bonus points: one of these three men is Belgian–can you tell which?)
ADDITIONAL: In the very cool image category, here's a remarkable shot a photographer had the good fortune of capturing in Mexico. For the full story of how she captured it plus more images, check here.