The Stay-At-Home Circus

The Stay-At-Home Circus

It used to be that joining a circus meant sneaking out of your bedroom window late at night, making your way to the fields at the edge of town, and hitching a ride with the roustabouts who had just finished packing up the big-top tent. After a few years of cleaning up...

Letters: What Do You Think?

Don't Dis LEED HomesThe author of "Building New Isn't Building Green" (May 28, 2009) rants about Frank Geary's mess at MIT, and slides that into a dismissal of new design and construction as tinkering with a bad model. He then condemns the...

Springfield: Whose Rent Is It, Anyway?

In 2005, a worrisome problem was uncovered at Springfield's South End Community Center: for years, pigeons had been invading the top floor of the center's Howard Street building, leaving an unhealthy mess of droppings and dead birds. While that floor of the...

Imperium Watch: Five of the Best

Reports of torture at Guantanamo and the political posturing on the issue in Washington left us wondering how people in responsible positions at the prison felt about what was happening there. From Common Cause comes a list—a partial list—of heroes who...

Between the Lines: What Now?

Odd as it is to see voters cheering en masse an increase in their tax bills, I was hardly surprised that the supporters of a $2 million Proposition 2 1/2 tax override in Northampton were celebrating last week. The Vote Yes! Northampton campaign came away from a June...