According to a letter I received today dated July 4, 2009, Smith College has rejected an offer from one of its graduates to save the cafe from extinction. Northampton resident Jan Carhart-'75, is willing to take responsibility for the Cafe's past rent due if Smith will cancel the Cafe's order to vacate and reinstate its lease.

Smith spokesperson Laurie Fenlason has verified Smith's refusal via email without additional comment. File photo above courtesy Ken Mitchell.

According to a Gazette article penned June 17 Smith's posture on Carhart's offer was indeterminate.

The letter further added that retired Judge W. Michael Ryan is working with the cafe owners to resolve the college's attempt to oust them from Green Street.

Meanwhile the owners are appealing to their customers to prepay dinners and to otherwise continue frequenting their business. The Cafe also has started a blog at to go along with their website,