Paul Melanson, an irate grandpa from Orono, Maine, is upset. He is upset because the Maine Human Rights Commission ruled in favor of a transgendered MTF student who attends the same high school as his grandson. The commission rules that the transgender student was discriminated against because the school would not allow her to use either the girls or boys bathroom, but a private faculty facility instead.
The student had been using the girls room, but was made to use the private restroom when a male student, Melanson's grandson, followed her into the girls room and calling her "faggot." He did, this, apparently, at the behest of his grandfather. Screwing up the logic that, in his words, "Little boys do not belong in the little girls room, and vice versa," Melanson gave his grandson permission to use the ladies room at school as long as the transgender student was using it.
Two months ago, the same commission ruled in favor of a MTF woman who was denied access to a Denny's restroom by management until she had undergone her sex change surgery. My question is, how did they know she hadn't?