The town meetings on health care have left me flabbergasted. Barney Frank has had much the same reaction.
This woman is the second in two days who I've become aware of who's invoked Hitler at one of these town meetings. The first was based in Las Vegas. Her husband has no health insurance and she was wearing an Isreali Defense Forces t-shirt, but that didn't stop her from yelling "Heil Hitler," at an Israeli Jew who supports socialized health care. You can hear her in the background here:
Before she yelled the anti-Semetic remark, she told a reporter that she believes in "Biblical values" while wering an IDF t-shirt.
Women of America, know this: with privatized health care, you will be charged more simply because you have a uterus. Having a baby is expensive, and it is looked at as a risk factor by private insurance companies. And if you happen to have fertility problems, your expenses will increase astronomically. Being a woman and not supporting universal health car is like wearing a IDF t-shirt and yelling "Heil Hitler." Oh, wait.