This Virginia gentleman expresses his views on abortion. He claims that he is not pro-life, and that he supports the abortions of fetuses conceived by Democratic and liberal parents. "I could think of nothing worse," he says "than to have these people in here who believe in abortion raising a child." One reason he gives is that those pregnancies would be carried to full term, the babies would be born and they'd be "saying 'gimmie healthcare.'"
While it's clearly evident that this man is confused, it's also worth noting that this is exactly the kind of snippit the Internet is good for. Posted to YouTube by Make Stark, writer for the political blog firedoglake. The blog is written by dozens of online contributors who report from various parts of the country, a sort of guerilla journalism. Stark admits that he wouldn't mind having this guy as a neighbor, but asks the important question, "how do you get to where this guy is at?"
I'm not sure if it's religion or Republican propaganda, or a combination of the two, but what this video points out, along with a lot of the town hall hulabaloo, is that there is an enormous divide in the beliefs of the American population. That had long been clear about reproductive rights, but the line in the sand is becoming more defined across the board and its definition is promugated in large part by misinformation or incomplete information.