The World This Week: Miss Conception

Octomom will not go gently into the good night of obscurity. When Nadya Suleman, aka Octomom, gave birth to octuplets on Jan. 26, she became a poster girl for American excess. Already a mother of six, she sought, and was provided, fertility treatments so she could...

The Right Move?

The Springfield School Department's central office, at 195 State St., is a handsome old building, but hardly hospitable to modern working conditions. Built at the turn of the last century, the building is run down, with an old elevator that reportedly makes some...

Letters: What Do You Think?

I feel sorry for Conor Hennessey (Letters, August 6, 2009) because I just had a free dinner given by the wonderful people of the Greenfield Farmer's Market. But then again, events like that could send us "down the slippery road of collectivism," to quote...

Between the Lines: The Right Question

If the Northampton City Council cares what residents think, it will reject the direction taken last week by three of its members in sponsoring a non-binding ballot question about the city's plans to expand its municipal landfill. A working draft of a possible...

For Whose Prosperity?

Lately I seem to keep getting spam emails from “Patients United Now,” brought to me by the Americans for Prosperity Foundation. The emails they send promote scare-tactic lobbying and advertising based on flimsy doomsday scenarios in which they foretell...