Wonder where all the insane health care misinformation comes from? Well, at least one source is clearly identifiable: the Republican Party. Recently, the Republicans sent out a "survey" full of some of the most despicable push-polling questions I've ever seen. Almost every one of these is in the time-honored mold of questions like "Are you still beating your wife?"

My favorite is: "Does it concern you that the liberal media has gone to unprecedented levels to only give Obama's views on health care and no one else's?"

How many gun-jumping assumptions can you load one question with?

Runner up: "It has been suggested that the government could use voter registration to determine a person's political affiliation, prompting fears that GOP voters might be discriminated against for medical treatment in a Democrat-imposed health care rationing system. Does this possibility concern you?"

Is it any wonder that real debate about any of this has become completely impossible?

I think they should have added these:

"Does it concern you that Obama's black helicopters bearing the hammer and sickle have regularly buzzed the homes of health care reform opponents?"

"Do you agree that the best Republican granny on life support is a dead one?"

Here's page one of the whole glorious thing, courtesy of the Washington Independent, where you can read it in full.

ADDITIONAL: Why can't we get sharper trolls?