Freaks and Other Others

The phrase "binary thinking" is a curious one. Even just the sound of it is unpleasant, hardly inviting or comfortable – I mean, really, who is in favor of something called "binary"? Well, perhaps we should understand the term a bit. For all...

Why World Wide Views on Global Warming

On September 26, in forty-six countries, citizens will gather to discuss, deliberate and develop positions on core questions of global climate change policy. The outcomes of these deliberations will be made publicly available through the internet. They also will be...

They are very small ducks

My researches upon the Intertoobz have revealed to me a new and wonderful site. I give you Emails from Crazy People, and heartily suggest that, if you are in need of some comic relief on this rainy day, you examine this exchange between a tenant and a concerned...

Moldavian dentist/lawyer still crazy

My favorite part of the awesome "birther" movement is its current lawyer-in-chief, Orly Taitz. Not only is her name suggestive of some sort of nebulous and non-specific foreign-ness, her accent and her look are a sort of amalgamation of the Gabor sisters and...