Perhaps it's post-Grand Band Slam numbness (it's over for me, and now hitting the stands), but I can't quite re-enter the political fray just yet. So here's something purely for the psychological thrill of it. A little sort of experiment.

First, count how many times the people in white pass the basketball in this movie, then come back here.

How many times did they pass the ball?

Now go visit the link again, and don't count. Just watch the cast of characters.

I recently enjoyed reading the very fine book Fixing My Gaze, by a local author and Mount Holyoke professor Sue Barry (story here), and it's got me thinking about how we see. We think of it as merely tapping into a pair of cameras, when the truth of the matter is that the brain has an awful lot more to do with vision than we like to think.

I did, however, really see an Unidentified Flying Object this weekend. But now it has become an Identified Flying Object. No gorillas were involved that I know of.