Below is Rachel Maddow's fine rundown of the whole hoo-ha. Unlike other mainstream-left discussions of the Nobel, seems less rationalization than explanation/exploration. Also, my old high school friend Kirk, who posts here sometime too, responded to my sharing of this clip on Facebook, with this: "It's funny watching conservatives get into a tizzy about a liberal getting an award from a liberal organization. Would liberals be upset if Dick Cheney received an award from the John Birch Society? I'm thinking not." I lol-ed at this at first, but then realized that the irksome difference for the hateful fucks is that the Nobel is respected everywhere, all over the world (more and/or less) while the JBS and pretty universally all of their groups organizations, think tanks, just aren't. They've got heaps of power and run lots of countries, but respect from any international community, nope, because they're morally and intellectually way beyond bankrupt, they're just too busy cheering about their country's not getting to host the Olympics to bother doing anything about it. But I digress, here's that Maddow clip: