My hometown gets a load of Bush as motivational speaker. (Quotes below from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.)

Bush confuses, understandably in his case, our economic system with our form of government. It does rather explain his pre-presidency statement “This is an impressive crowd—the haves and the have mores. Some people call you the elite—I call you my base”:

“The marketplace works. It is fair. It is equitable. It is a fair form of democracy.”

And this, well, it's vintage Bush: “Every single day I was honored to be your president by bringing honor and dignity to the office.”

Not much to say except I'm glad I wasn't back in Tejas yesterday. Although I could have used some enchiladas Suizas from Benito's Comida Casera in the worst kind of way. And making it all weirder yet, it turns out I know one of the other speakers at this motivational hoo-ha. Perhaps a call is in order.

UPDATE: He must feel right at home. From the Dallas Morning News: "A woman with a sign that said 'Arrest Bush' was briskly hustled outside." So that's still the deal, then.

The story at the link draws a terrifying picture of this event, one of those "Jesus wants you to be rich" affairs. And it turns out my pal (the ex-quarterback) was throwing out "Pigs for Jesus" bracelets. In what must be a first, he's running a pig-slaughtering non-profit to feed the needy back in North Texas. Maybe I won't make that call after all, because I'm just not entirely sure what to say…


This sign makes me happy (more here). It doesn't, however, make me want to visit South Africa–