Halloween is about pretending you are something you're not. It's about playing a character and having fun with it. And how much acting can one do as a sexy environmentalist? I propose that women who dress in costumes that don't necessarily expose their bodies, but instead in costumes that provide them with endless merriment and a font of dance moves actually end up making them more sexy, if the defining characteristic of sexiness if garnering attention from men (not that this should be the goal).
To wit: I have a friend named Jung who is beautiful. Yet, she rarely exposes herself on Halloween, a holiday she loves, and usually ends up wearing a costume made out of a sweatsuit. This year she went as conjoined twins. She glued a picture of herself onto the torso that protruded from her abdomen. Let me tell you, the booty shaking her extra butt provided was sexier than the girl dressed as a sexy Native American, and more people wanted to dance with Jung.
Me? I went as Little Edie. This was my costume:
Her life was sad, but she was nothing if she wasn't entertaining. How could you not have fun acting like her all night?