Here's an idea for our organic waste. Not that this is right for Northampton, but it is something to think about.

Compost with a Kick

Bokashi is a centuries-old Japanese method of recycling household food waste into all-natural compost. By employing a special culture of yeast and other microorganisms, bokashi is a compact, odorless process that takes only days instead of weeks or months. Now the Bokashicycle company is breaking the process out of the kitchen and into a commercial-scale food waste recycling operation, in partnership with New Earth Farm in Hillsboro, Oregon.

New Earth Farm takes in food scraps from Bon Appetit cafeterias on the nearby Intel Hawthorn Farm campus, which provides a significant waste disposal savings compared to disposing the scraps in landfills. Waste reduction is one goal, and in an even more sustainable twist the composted soil is used to grow crops for Abundant Harvest, a local consumer-supported agriculture (CSA) store.

For the rest of the article click on the link below:

Bokashicycle Announces First Successful Full-Scale Fermentation Process

SEATTLE, Nov. 4 /PRNewswire/ — In the U.S. alone, annually, more than 30 million tons of food waste are sent to landfills. Less than three percent of that waste is diverted from landfills, primarily through composting, producing greenhouse gases and heat. Bokashicycle offers a safer and more economic alternative.

"We first introduced our fermentation process on a residential scale, and it was so successful, we took it to the commercial level," says Dr. Lawrence Green, M.D., Ph.D. and founder of Bokashicycle. "We now offer sustainable solutions to farms, coops and food service operations."

By implementing the bokashicycle, commercial operations can divert tons of waste away from landfills and compost sites, converting that waste into high-quality fertilizer.

For the Bokashicycle press release click on the link below: