The North Street Neighborhood Association (html) has a wealth of coverage regarding local issues. From the proposed Bean Farm purchase by the city for playing fields to the recent Meadowbrook fire to to reclassification of the city's floodplains to the redevelopment of the Three County Fairgrounds and the ongoing MEPA process. Should there be an environmental review of the Fairgrounds' proposal? There is also a video of the most recent Rezoning Committee.

Northampton Media (html) is on the go too covering some of the same issues and others. NM has a report on the Conservation Commission and its November 12 meeting where it requested more information on the Fairgrounds drainage plan. NM also has a picture posted of an unkept trash container at Hampshire Heights, a Northampton Housing Authority property. In addition NM includes a YouTube audio of an angry outsourced Gazette carrier and reports on the St. Mary's Church closing and on an offer to the city for a perpetual lease of a cell phone tower located at the Northampton Regional Landfill.

DownStreet (html) has stories posted regarding a photography display at Historic Northampton by Aaron Helfand, of the Northampton Design Forum and a public meeting of Look Park Trustees.