From Kathy Silva via the Paradise City Forum.

There is going to be a Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser for Sandi Pinkham. She is a single mom with kids in the Ryan Road School system. She is very involved in the school activities and in the Northampton Youth Football League. She severed three of her fingers while volunteering for the Football League building an object with them. She is a carpenter by trade and has been unable to work, and workman's comp will not pay her because she was volunteering.

This fundraiser is December 8th at the VFW in Florence. Two dinner times (no reservations necessary) are 5:30 and 6:45. Tickets are $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for kids. They can be purchased at Coopers Corner, State Street Deli or at the door the night of the fundraiser. One hundred percent of the proceeds will go to Sandi and her family.

She has given a lot for the community over the past years, and we hope the community will support this activity for one of our kind member in her time of need.