Letters: What Do You Think?

Forestry: Dollars and SenseAs a landowner and tree farmer for 55 years, I offer a brief commentary on biomass' actual potential impact on Massachusetts forests. Will biomass encourage clear-cutting or mass destruction of our forests? The answer is a resounding No....


As a the Coordinator of Education at the Amherst College Natural History museum, Steve Sauter has made it his business to be a scholar of Edward Hitchcock and his collection of dinosaur footprints. Recently, he gave the Valley Advocate a tour of some of his and the...
A Table for 10

A Table for 10

Museums10, a collaborative marketing effort of museums all over the Valley, might sound at first blush like just another of the many departments orbiting the Five College consortium, a vague if probably good campaign to promote things academic. But when it comes to...
Sound Check: They Walk Among Us

Sound Check: They Walk Among Us

It's very hard to determine whether Fall River's Daniel Ouellette (formerly a Florence resident) is the Orson Welles or the Ed Wood of electronic music. In one Youtube video, a dancing, eyelinered Ouellette croons (and he really does croon, with a swampy voice...
Nightcrawler: Marco Solo

Nightcrawler: Marco Solo

There are 88 keys on a standard piano, 10 fingers on a standard human. This is undisputed.Now, assuming, for purposes of this discussion, that said digits were made of rubber and could reach any given key, there are no less than 3.0948 times 10 to the 26th power...