Get your childcare lined up for our HOLIDAY TOY EXCHANGE!

When: December 6

Where: Nonotuck Community School, 221 Riverside Drive, Florence MA 01062

Time: Bring your toys from 9:15-10am

Begin "shopping" at the Toy Exchange 10am-12pm

Who can come?

For the ease of the event and the surprise of the children at holiday time, this will be an adults only event.

What can I give and what can I get?

Gently used, working toys! Like Cars & Trucks & Things That Go, Stuffed Animals, Books, Outdoor Toys, Dolls & Dollhouses/Furniture, Building Toys, Noisemaking Toys, Games, Sports Equipment, Arts and Crafts, Baby Toys, Music, Videos, Computer Games and more…

Any remaining toys will be donated to the Northampton Survival Center

Bring re-usable bags or boxes to collect your goods!

Any questions? contact Mary Clark: