How were the Aughts for you? Seems like most folks think they were pretty much crap. At least that's the conclusion of an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll. I'm personally quite glad to see them gone, for reasons political and otherwise. Some numbers:

According to the poll, a combined 58% said the decade was either "awful" or "not so good," 29% said it was fair, and just 12% said it was either "good" or "great."

…37% said it lost ground on the environment, 46% said it lost ground on health and well being, 50% said it lost ground on peace and national security, 54% said lost ground on the nation's sense of unity, 55% said it lost ground in treating others with respect, 66% said it lost ground on moral values, and a whopping 74% said it lost ground on economic prosperity.

By contrast:

By comparison, in 1989, 39% said it was a fair decade, 38% said it was good, and 21% said it wasn't good (awful and great weren't offered as possible responses in that '89 survey).

Which is interesting, considering the '80s included the ascendancy of Whitesnake and frosted spike-mullets. So the Aughts must have been really major crap. Which seems about right.


Like the guy keeps saying: goldang liberals, always wanting to give government more power.

And there they go again.

They just won't stop.

Nor their ilk, neither.

All that mindless Obama worship.