I was hoping that BuzzFeed's list of the 30 Worst Women's Magazine covers of the 2000s would be a skewering of the Ladymag industry's tendency to literally distort women's bodies to impossible proportions via Photoshop.
About one-half of the list kind of does that. The other half? Misogynistic criticisms of the appearance of women that are widely accepted as beautiful and/or talented.
Here are a few choice snarks:
"That is not Beyonce. That is Beyonce starring in The Mask."
[Of Sarah Jessica Parker] "Plus side: that is the least horsey (sorry, had to) she's ever looked."
New rule for ScarJo: no jumpers.
[On an adorable picture of Sandra Oh] "The “jump and smile” never works."
[This doesn't even make sense] "Cameron Diaz is not a 40s pin-up, she is a professional farter. Get it straight."