While I've some silly stuff to chat about regarding Shakira's "She Wolf" video and the Rosetta Stone language learning program teaching NASA how to speak Venutian and more, I'll hold on those for now in the wake of the effed-up goings on in Northampton last weekend.

For those of you who aren't locally based or have been on meditation retreats and somehow don't know what I'm talking about (the 11 fires set this weekend in Noho that left huge damage and two dead), go read Sarah's post over at Cherchez la Femme or google "Northampton Fires" or, here's CNN's story on the tragedy in the "sleepy city of Northampton." (warning: cliches abound!).

FYI: Ella Longpre and others are organizing benefit shows for the fire victims the weekend of 1/22 that I'm sure will be swell, so look out for those.

That all said, Happy New Year one and all.