One of the reasons I branched out from having MAID be just about masculinity issues is that it's more fun to be able to pop off about whatever comes to mind on a given day. Another, though, is that it started to feel like everything I had to say had been said. Take this year's superbowl ads. All most all of the beer and car ads were gender based. And any of them that were meant to be humorous either belittled men as pussy-whipped (the "man's last stand" car ad), women as controlling bitches (ditto), men as clumsy, uncaring, selfish buffoons and/or pigs, or, most often, some combo of the above to make the stereotyping even-steven so everything's okay (right?).

What upsets me as much as the gender cliches, though, is the incredible laziness and condescension of Madison Avenue creative teams and their bosses, who spend millions and millions of dollars on these dumb and insulting recycled pieces of shit. It used to be that the Super Bowl was worth to watching because of the ads. Now? It's all crap. And the google ad that everyone loved? I say "eh." (and here's a parody of it, also "eh")

That all said, one SB ad allowed me to revisit my theory that if something's funny, a lot is forgiven. To wit, here's (below) a terrible Bud Light commercial that exemplifies the advertising world ethos mentioned above, but watch to the end – there's a great/awful/great tag. I watched it over and over, and I lol-ed repeatedly. Of course, I'm still not gonna drink But Light, but then, it doesn't really seem that beer ads are built to sell product any more, but that's a whole nother kettle of fish.

Hmmmm. For some reason, I'm not being able to embed the video in the usual fasion today, so here's a good old-fashioned link to the ad.