Letters: What Do You Think?

The Health Care Americans Need I am flabbergasted by the letters appearing in the Advocate and other newspapers celebrating Scott Brown’s victory as a repudiation of “a government takeover of healthcare.” Do the writers of these letters really think...

Plot Thickens in Bruno Murder Case

The federal indictment last week of reputed local mob leader Anthony Arillotta in connection with the murder of his predecessor, Adolfo “Big Al” Bruno, has added another layer of intrigue to that still unresolved case. Arillotta was described in the...

Big Box Battle

Hadley, long known as a community that welcomes big box retailers, hasn’t been so hospitable to Lowe’s, the home improvement retailer. Starting in 2003, the town voted down—three times—requests to rezone agricultural land (the Long Hollow Bison...
Behind the Beat: Flight of the Falcon

Behind the Beat: Flight of the Falcon

Jesse Smith grew up with sisters who could all sing the daylights out of an Irish ballad. Yet despite an adulthood spent jamming with just about every musician in town, he never thought to invite one of them to join him on stage or on record. “We grew up singing...
Nightcrawler: Kaya Comes Full Circle

Nightcrawler: Kaya Comes Full Circle

Like all parents, Ed Balon admits he is no stranger to receiving the dreaded “look.” That’s when a pie-eyed child stares up with equal parts understanding and sorrow before offering a meager “goodbye” to a work-bound mommy or daddy. For...