The Honest Sausage Maker

The Honest Sausage Maker

“There are two things you don’t want to see being made—sausage and legislation.”—Origin uncertain; often misattributed to German Chancellor Otto von Bismark Driving along Route 116 between South Deerfield and Conway, just as the road...

BTL: Treat Pols Like They Treat Teachers

Public school teachers have taken a beating from politicians, opinion-makers, business and foundation leaders and just about everyone else. Lazy teachers, it is said, have wrecked our public education system. A March 2010 headline in Newsweek put it bluntly:...

Letters: What Do You Think?

Potter Off Key on Iran Andrew Potter, in his piece using the 1979 Iranian revolution that overthrew the shah as an example of the way hopeful protests can result in totalitarian rule (“Paradox In The Middle East,” March 24, 2011), somehow neglects to...

How to Shrink Your Base

In the aftermath of the GOP’s big 2008 losses, Karl Rove outlined a road map back to the majority. Among Rove’s key principles was that “[t]he GOP won’t be a majority party if it cedes the young or Hispanics to Democrats. Republicans must find...

Letters: What Do You Think?

Opposition Rhetoric Skewed Poor John Boehner! So bitterly you wept as you bemoaned the Democrats ramming health care through Congress, and so pitifully you sob that they’ve violated the will of the American people! But you see, John, I have an attention span, so...