From the LGBT Coalition of Western Massachusetts:

Dyke Marches take place in multiple cities across the United States and internationally, and traditionally occur the day or night before that city’s Gay Pride celebrations.

The Northampton Dyke March will provide a venue for influential speakers and artists as well as a number of community-based organizations.

Our priority is to provide a dynamic and welcoming space for participants of all sexualities, genders, races, ages, ethnicities, sizes, economic backgrounds, and physical abilities. We strive to create a place that will bring together our UTs (under thirties), our elders and all the dykes in between.

Honoring our foremothers and all those who have paved the way is an essential aspect of the Dyke March. Today we march because of their courage and strength as they fought for freedom and equality. The Dyke March is a place where political and social change can be expressed and inspired.

For information about the March and Dance visit: