Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted. A new full time job that fills up my days has severly limited my ability to troll the internet for interesting ladygendersexmajic news. But I’ve managed to cobble together a couple of items that may interest you this week.
First: There’s a new book out. It attempts to chronicle Obama’s first 100 days with a poem per day. Wanna know what it’s called? 100 Poems for Obama’s First 100 Days. In it, you will find a gem by poet Elizabeth Hughey (wife of Chip Brantley), who used to be a local writer, but left us for her native Brimingham sometime last year. Her poem, for day 69, explains in a poem titled “The I Love You Bridge” how the Beatles’ song “Michelle” “happened” to come out a year after first lady Michelle Obama was born. Read more of her charming, funny, unmistakable feminine work here.
conservative Hollywood is lame… or so says Bill Mahar. Now, I know that Bill Mahar is pretty awful sometimes. In fact, I regularly grimace at some of the things he says. But he also makes a lot of sense sometimes, and this is one of them (Mahar says: “A lot of Republican policy ideas are stripped straight from primetime. I wish I were kidding, but in one of the Republican debates in ’08, they spent the whole hour arguing about plotlines on ’24,’ asking,’What would Jack Bauer do?’ and ‘If he were here right now, which one of us do you think he’d like to go torturing with the most?'”)
It’s a popular Conservative trope to put down mainly liberal celebrities and starletts as out of touch, pretentious charletans who have no idea what they’re talking about. But maybe that’s because the celebrities in Hollywood are so definitively B. Almost all of them are white, many of them are washed up, and most of them are men. Save Victoria Jackson (video below). Jezebel has a good breakdown.
My favorite quote: “His church od 20 years, with Jeremiah Wright preaching, was black liberation theology, which is acually Marxism.” Well, not really. There are elements of Marxism that appear in some writings of BLT, and certain precepts are inspiration for rhetoric, but, whatever. Politicized Evangelical Christians are rewriting the bible, giving electroshock therapy to gay men’s genetalia, and develop violent video games that teach the death of non-Christians on the basis of religion is moral, and women are inferior. Mormons believe that, when they die, they become the gods of a planet or a star or something, and the more kids they have, the more people they get to hang out with for eternity. So that kicks the chair out from about 99 percent of potential Republican/Tea Party Candidates.
And I know it’s her schtick, but Victoria jackson’s grasp of subtlety is about what I understand the depth of understanding of her fellow Tea Partiers to be.
Stay tuned. There’s some interesting stuff on the horizon…