Please enjoy some excerpts from my favorite wingnut article I’ve seen in some time, keeping country music safe from the liberal threat of… Miley Cyrus?:

The left in this country has a problem. Well, they have a lot of problems, many of which involve personal hygiene and anger management issues. That is a column for another day though. The left is losing the pop culture media war in this country, and it bothers them. [?]

… With that said, Country is a family friendly format they still think they have a chance of corrupting, and Miley Cyrus may be their perky little Trojan horse into that industry.

… To change the very culture of that industry, you need to pave the way for the shrill Natalie Maines types with the seemingly harmless Miley types. … her image is a well manufactured myth and the truth is that this young lady brings an entire suitcase of San Francisco values with her as baggage when she eventually breaks into the country music scene.

While she is often portrayed as a Christian, and her relationship with God is between her and the Almighty, the objective evidence suggests that her brand of Christianity is the sort that got King David and Bathsheba in such hot water. [note for next time: David and Bathsheba were Jewish] As we all know, the media dislikes all things that involve Christianity, and the only Christians they truly like ones with an asterisk.


(H/T to Jesus’ General)