Searching for Consensus

State Rep. Ellen Story was knocked out by a nasty respiratory flu last week. But that didn’t stop her from celebrating encouraging signs that her bill to support new mothers, several years in the making, finally appears headed to become a law. Story, an Amherst...

Biomass Awaits Manomet

Until the fall of last year, the biomass industry seemed to be on a fast track in Massachusetts. The Patrick administration was bullish on biomass, promoting it as one of a number of promising alternative energy sources, encouraging the development of biomass plants...

Not Far Enough

When the Patrick administration earlier this year called for a state ban on the use of the controversial chemical bisphenol-A (or BPA) in certain products, environmental activists reacted with guarded praise. In early March, the governor announced that he was ordering...

ImperiumWatch: Smarter Is Safer

In the security line at the airport, you whip out your liquids, laptop and keys and throw them in a plastic box. You take off your jacket and fling it and your purse into a box; you take off your shoes. You know that putting things in boxes could make it easier for...
All Hail the Cheese Queen

All Hail the Cheese Queen

“What can I do about it?” Deep into a far-ranging discussion with Ricki Carroll, Ashfield’s internationally recognized “Cheese Queen,” she stopped upon this phrase, repeated it and declared the expression the essence of the problem the...