So Anja (aka The Missus) was driving along listening to the awesome WIZZ the other day, as she is oft wont to do, and found herself, for the very first time, listening to the lyrics to “Escape (The Pina Colada Song).” She found it disturbing that someone in a presumably monogamous relationship would place a personal ads wanting to cheat on her partner only to find that, wacky as it may sound, said partner answered the ad and they found they had much more in common than they’d previously thought. Anja was disturbed by the betrayal and how breezily the song offers a happy ending with a casual “Oh, it’s you.” Me? I thought it was sweet that a couple in crisis re-found each other. I have my own objections, mainly to the songs flip dismissal of yoga as something practiced by those who don’t have “half a brain.” Anywho, the song has since been tormenting me ever since our conversation, lo these many days ago; It’s the earworm of all earworms, I go to sleep with it, I wake up with it, I’m plagued by it, and I thought you should be too! No, what I thought is that if you appreciate our little interaction, you’ll appreciate this in depth analysis of the song from the brilliant minds at Mystery Science Theater 3000, aka MST3K.