After having no power for going on two days now, (incredbly quick, intense thunderstorm Weds. night, felt like a Tornado, took out hundreds of trees, powerlines, etc. for those of you far afield) dealing with that mess as a bar/restaurant owner with three thawing freezers of food, AND apparently ATT lost a tower in the storm so I haven’t been able to communicate in any medium w/o leaving town, I make my way into Greenfield this morn and crank up the old computer to start emailing (for some reason phone still on and off at best here in Greenburgh) and I get THIS message when trying to use gmail. Can you tell what browser I was using by looking there? Can you guess? Yuppers, it’s Chrome! from Google! Don’t get me wrong, I usually thing Big Brother Googie takes great care of me, but what a zany issue to have today of all days. Watch, now I’ll probalby get sued by the Failblog folks for stealing their copyrighted term.

Happy weekend everyone!!!!