Imperium Watch: Not Defined by Capitalism

What with the shouting about socialism during the health care debate, the caricaturing of Obama as a socialist and the shrillness of rightwingers tossing the term around like paper airplanes, you’d think socialism was still a McCarthy-era scare word in this...

Fertile Soil for Local Products

There aren’t a lot of industries seeing dramatic growth in this economy—which makes the continuing expansion of the local food market even more impressive. Last week, South Deerfield’s Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture, or CISA—the...

Letters: What Do You Think?

It’s About the Environment Developers are currently proposing the construction of biomass plants in Greenfield, Springfield, Pittsfield, Russell, and Fitchburg that would burn more than 13 million pounds of green wood a day and would add only 1 percent to our...

Between the Lines: As Goes the Middle Class

We’re falling into a double-dip recession. The Labor Department reports that the private sector added a measly 41,000 net new jobs in May. (The vast bulk of new jobs in May were for temporary government census workers.) But at least 100,000 new jobs are needed...

Fight Over Jail Fees Continues

Efforts to make inmates in county jails pay room-and-board and other fees continue to march forward in the state budget—but not without considerable resistance from activists and criticism from some Valley sheriffs. In late May, the state Senate approved a...