Tomorrow (Wednesday), from noon to 1pm, The Colin McEnroue show on WNPR, Connecticut Public Radio, is doing a show about “the state of men and masculinity in today’s culture” and I’ve been invited to sit on the panel with Christina Sommers who wrote “The War Against Boys” in the Atlantic, among other work, and Irin Cameron from

For that occasion, I thought I’d repost some links to several masculinity-focused posts from over the past years, considering that, well, MAID has strayed from its original focus just a tad. Thus and so, here are some links:

a compendium of hits from our (Dan Oppenheimer and my) first year or so

– some thoughts after meeting Robert Jensen, author of “Getting Off: Pornography and the End of Masculinity”

– on “man crush” and “man up

– on gender in jewelry and beer commercials

Okay, there are just a few. If you want more browse around in 2006-2008 archives. This blog was pretty much only about the man stuff until 2009.