While it would be natural for me to write about the Shirley Sherrod debacle, it’s just so very depressing that the slimiest pissants on earth weild the kind of power they do, controlling the conversation to the extent that when they say jump even the goddamn White House says “How high?” that I really can’t bear to discuss it at length. Through out-of-context editing and/or just plain fabrication, they turned the public against ACORN almost without any refudiation (insert big smiley emoticon!) at all and now have gotten someone fired, two name just two of their successful efforts, and the “mainstream” press seems powerless to or uninterested iin call them on it – instead, in fact, the “legit” press just “objectively” repeats the lies as “news.” The link, above, is from a Huffpost article about the apology, quoting Press Secretary Robert Gibbs as saying, “Look, a disservice was done, an apology is owed. That’s what we’ve done.” Wow. Kinda feels like one those apologies you hear when two people are in a big fight and one person insists on an apology and the other offers, “I’m sorry . . . that you’re such an asshole!”
In lighter news, Charles Barkley and Michael Jordan (neither of whom have never been reluctant to put Lebron in the “greatest ever” discussion previously), both scoff at The Decision and at James’ likely legacy now. But, I guess, if winning is all that matters, a stacked deck is arguably the best kind – that is, IF you win with it.