Many years ago, when I lived in San Francisco, a Brazillian friend and I were, for some reason, watching the Republican National Converntion on TV. This was well before GWB was even running for prez. Bush The Younger was speaking. My friend says to me, “He will be your next president.” I said some version of, “Are you kidding me, he couldn’t even run a baseball team. He’s a moron. He makes Dan Quayle look sharp. Thare is just no way.” And to most Americans, left, right, and center, that’s how it looked then.

Right about now, I’m thinking, in all seriousness, that it may be time to start figuring out what other country to move to if/when it happens. I say “it” because I can’t bear to really say it. I can’t believe how conceivable it seems. It’s not her presidency that would make me want to leave, it’s the fact that a majority of American voters could conceivably vote for her.

Thus, as I said during the last election, it’s never too early to start fighting dirty. This “Palin rolls her eyes” video brouhaha is silly, it’s unfair to judge someone for her every gesture, but it’s also so pathetic. She’s just such a mediocre human being, and that’s a stretch. And playing fair doesn’t win elections. Can you imagine her at a state dinner, rolling her eyes at the president of, say a “small” “socialist” country who disagrees with her: “Oh, Chile, THAT explains it.” I’m not being very articulate. She’s just too upsetting. Stupidity and ignorance are her UPSIDES for a lot of voters. And that’s just sad. BO being re-elected may not feel like such a win to many of us right now, but consider what right now looks to be the most likely alternative. Scary stuff, you betcha.