If I had a penny for every high school history textbook embracing Mohammed…
My fellow Texans have gone loopy yet again:
The Texas State Board of Education today passed a resolution warning textbook publishers to scrub their books of “gross pro-Islamic, anti-Christian” bias. The vote was 7 to 6. …
Proponents of the measure, including board members and witnesses, argued that world history textbooks spend too much space discussing Islam, and in too positive a light, when compared with Christianity.
One parent said she read through a section of her son’s history book and found four pages on Islam and only one reference to the Bible. Asked by a board member what the section was titled, she replied, “Life in the Eastern Hemisphere.”
But that’s not the best part:
One of the board’s most conservative members, Don McLeroy, who is serving the last months of his term, said textbook publishers have been biased in favor of Islam for years. He argued that “one of the greatest gifts to the world was medieval Christendom,” citing an essay he had written in 2002 titled “The Gift of Medieval Christendom to the World.”
Which no doubt followed on the heels of his essays “The Gift of the Ford Pinto to Car Safety” and “The Gift of Michael Bolton to Soul Music.”
I guess that’s what happens when you read messed-up textbooks–you think the Crusades and the Inquisition were pretty much great gifts to the world. Not to mention the whole witch-burning bit. Sort of thing that makes me a big fan of Martin Luther.
Seems like most of my Texan pals are getting really tired of making excuses for the Insane Texan-American contingent. Apparently, they’ve moved Texas farther away from the whole reality-based world since I left.