Dear Neighbor,

Like you, we care about Northampton’s beauty, heritage, open space, water, and wild creatures. We also care deeply about looking ahead to create green energy, and to saving tax and ratepayers money. We know that the Upper Roberts is not a safety threat, or we would be demanding action.

We, are the Friends of the Upper Roberts Meadow Dam and Reservoir, plus hundreds of people like you who have signed petitions, posted signs in their yard, called councilors/state reps, written emails to the DPW and BPW, donated to the cause, and have followed this debate closely.

This Wednesday at 7pm at JFK Middle School, we ask that you attend the Forum, bring your questions, your sign, and your curiosity, and make your voice heard. That night Essex Partnership will outline the reality of the micro-hydro potential at the site, and will share the news of a report we have contracted from a dam safety firm. A real independent review, we still have NO idea what the outcome will be, but are hopeful that this expert will outline the potential for the Upper Roberts to be reclassified as a low/significant hazard dam, and if so, will expect the firm to outline the costs of the work to reclassify, and much more.

The DPW and GZA will make their pitch that the Upper Roberts is unsafe, is not historic, is not significant for wildlife, and will be prohibitive in cost to repair or install micro-hydro. Remember, despite the talk, the City knows the Upper Roberts is not an imminent threat, or they would have responded in 2005 when first told to fix/remove the dam.

Expect American Rivers (who gets paid to remove dams) and other trout proponents to speak up to tear out the dam so fish may swim an additional 1.6 miles along a man made channel to the Middle Roberts Reservoir. Don’t expect to hear them tell you that there is no ‘returning the river to its natural state” since the brook has been redirected . Remember, that after 105 years, this IS its natural state, and that the region is now a nursery for duck, heron, and has been identified by the State as a site for wood turtle.

Our State Senator’s office will have staff on hand, and we await word to see if our state reps will be in attendance. We ask YOU to pressure them to have Dam Safety extend the Nov. 1st deadline for a decision regarding the fate of the dam and the reservoir.

The final hour will be for you. Your presence has never been more important. Ask questions of Essex. Ask the BPW why they spent $71,000 (as quoted in the 10.23.10 Republican) to prepare for this forum? Ask the Friends why the Reservoir is best saved. Be mindful that this Forum is for the City Council to learn more, and as such, is your chance as well to offer your opinion. Do you want this saved? Tell them why.

We need you to attend on Wed. night, bring 2 friends, show the Senators and the City Council and the BPW that Northampton wants to keep its treasures, that its Citizens care about micro-hydro and wants to use the Upper Roberts to jump start tapping ALL the dams in Northampton, that we deserve to keep places of historic importance, and that we will no longer tolerate a City department using fear tactics and misinformation, but we demand that they use fair and honest debate.

Please contact 2 friends now, ask them to join you on Wed. night, and email The Friends at to say you are coming, that you have indeed written to the City Council to press them to seek an extension from the Office of Dam Safety so the public can weigh in BEFORE the BPW takes their Oct. 28th vote to remove/repair the dam, and let us know if you would be willing to carry a sign.


The Friends of the Upper Roberts Meadow Reservoir & Dam


For Immediate Release
Northampton Receives Drug Free Communities Support Program Grant

The Strategic Planning Initiative for Families and Youth (SPIFFY), administered by the Collaborative for Educational Services, is pleased to announce that one of our coalition partners, the Northampton Prevention Coalition, received a grant of $125,000/year for 5 years from the Drug Free Communities Support Program, in partnership with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Karen Jarvis-Vance, Health and Safety Director for the Northampton Public Schools, and Marilyn Richards, Northampton resident, are co-chairs of the newly funded coalition. The Northampton Public Schools is fiscal agent for the grant.

SPIFFY creates and supports a local culture that discourages risky behaviors and promotes positive opportunities for youth throughout Hampshire County. These initiatives include decreasing youth access to alcohol and other drugs, supporting parents in setting clear expectations around risky behaviors, and working with schools to develop effective and consistent policies around such issues as youth violence, bullying, and drug and alcohol use.

SPIFFY started the Northampton Prevention Coalition in 2008, and has been working with local partners including the Northampton Public Schools, Smith Vocational and Technical High School, Mayor Higgins, Northampton Dept. of Public Health, Northampton Police Dept, Community ACTION!, Tapestry Health, NW District Attorney’s Office, and parents, citizens and youth to develop and implement strategies that reduce underage drinking and drug use.

Recent strategies include a Safe Homes Directory at Northampton High School, a bi-annual Prevention Needs Assessment Survey of teens in Northampton, compliance checks of local alcohol retailers, a social norms campaign targeting Northampton parents and a Youth Photovoice Community Assessment.

Karen Jarvis-Vance, Coalition co-chair, commented, “We are thrilled to have funding to expand on SPIFFY’s work in Northampton… Action at the community level–in schools, community centers, faith communities and at kitchen tables–can help drive rates of substance abuse down.”

To get involved in SPIFFY contact Sue Cairn, To get involved in the Northampton Prevention Coalition contact Karen Jarvis-Vance,