I’ll admit I’m more than a little bit partial to this piece of news, as I did a relatively extensive report on the issue of homosexuality and sports in college.

Sean Avery, noted asshole, came out in support of gay rights.

It’s not the word of a beloved athlete, but at least it’s the word of a known athlete. This, combined with Kobe Bryant’s confirmation that he’s a petulant jackass, and Atlanta Braves pitching coach Roger McDowell’s puzzling meltdown makes for an odd month in sports.

As troubling as Avery is as a figurehead for any movement, the utter lack of any active athlete doing anything like this makes his actions laudible. It will be interesting to see how this plays out for Avery, given the physicality that exists in hockey.

Here’s this video:


Oh yeah, and by the way: LeBron James thinks reporters are retarded, but not like retarded.