A tiny new development is occurring in my life: I really like to wind up places with my camera in tow. Tuesday was a case in point. I figured that if I brought my camera to the Tuesday Market I’d wind up with a few photos I just… liked.

Turned out to be true. And although it’s unfair to single out certain small people, I admit to a real squishy spot for Wiley—and because of this I am unable to refrain from snapping his picture (he’s letting us know his candidate of choice).


Today, I meant to take my camera with me when I took Saskia to play with her pal, Addy, and Addy’s little sister and baby brother.

The good part about not having the camera was that I got to sit and hold him. I think his mama knows what’s good for my soul, because she was totally willing to just hand him over.

Or else, she was perfectly happy for a breather from holding him (as can be the case with an infant, especially the third one). So, maybe it was a win-win scenario.

I did have to hand him back. I feel sheepish to admit that a weensy corner of my mama-heart would almost return to babyville. I mean, not really, not for the lack of sleep and the fact that a clock starts and it doesn’t simply go for a few months and then end; it’s a looooong endeavor this parenthood gig and I am completely, totally in for the long haul already. I get that. I’m so done with having babies.

Oh, but I was always a baby person. So there you have it; I’ll probably be holding other people’s babies with more enthusiasm than the average mum forevermore.


Now, you can’t capture every moment on camera. That’s for darn sure. What’s more, you shouldn’t aspire to. It’s too fun to hold the baby.


As for the Tuesday Market, I wrote about my deep devotion to it in a new column I just began this week over at Hilltown Families. My monthly contribution comes in a series entitled Mash Notes to Paradise and Mash Note Number One is about Tuesday Market (and the amazing program to raise funds to double SNAP Benefits at the Market).